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Can Your Roof Take The Heat?


Especially in the summer, roofers in Dunwoody, GA, know just how hot a rooftop can get. It’s possible for several reasons that your home roof may be getting too hot. Roofers can help you find out for sure. Here are some tips for keeping your roof and your home cooler in the summer heat.

Roofing Material

Make sure that your home’s roof is shingled or coated with materials that are appropriate to your climate and the heat. Some shingles reflect more than absorb heat. Roofers in Dunwoody should be able to help you determine what your roof is currently made of and give you some recommendations for materials better suited for your home.

Most home roofs are made of shingles, which can consist of several combinations of materials. Some shingles contain a higher level of reflectiveness, whether because of the material they’re made of or a special coating they have, that make them better for keeping your roof cool.

Clay shingles can also be a good option. You will want to choose a cooler color, and consult a roofing expert about which types of clay are cooler.

A single ply membrane may be the solution that you’re looking for. It depends largely on what you want and the aesthetics of your home, as this membrane will present a much more modern look and wouldn’t fit with most more traditional housing looks.

Switch Up the Gravel

Most traditional roofs are made with a combination of tar and gravel underneath sloped shingles. The roof of a home can sustain a cooler temperature if that traditional gravel is replaced with white gravel or with more reflective marble chips.

Put a Coat On

Cool roof coatings can be applied to sloped roofs in good condition. These coatings can help increase the reflectiveness of the roof materials. There are two different kinds: cementitious coatings that contain concrete or ceramic, and elastomeric coatings that are less brittle and more adhesive. These coatings are more often used when a re-roofing job is being performed on your home.

This is a pretty basic overview of ways to better regulate the heat of your roof in order to prevent higher cooling costs for your home. Talk to roofers for a roofing estimate or to get a clearer idea of the condition of your home and any improvement projects that you need to undertake.
