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How Often Should You Replace A Roof?


This is a question that many homeowners have regarding their roofs, especially when the roof is showing signs of disrepair. Although the average roof has the potential to last as long as 30 years before replacement needs to be considered, sometimes roofs fail before they hit this mark. In this post, you’ll learn more about the signs of roof failure and when it’s time to consider getting a roof estimate in Buckhead for roof replacement.

Inspecting Your Roof

In order to determine if any of the following problems are present on your roof, you’ll need to have a roof inspection. If you feel confident and don’t mind heights, it’s possible for homeowners to inspect their own roofs for damage. However, it’s recommended that you call for roofing services in Buckhead for a professional inspection. Licensed roofers know exactly what they’re looking for when it comes to a failing roof and some problems aren’t always visible to the untrained eye.

If your roofer finds any of the following problems, it’s time to consider replacing the roof:

•    Sagging roof deck

•    Dark spots

•    Visible damage such as holes

•    Missing shingles (widespread)

•    Moisture causing mold or rot

Even though these are signs that you need to consider replacement, sometimes all you need is roof repairs. For example, many homes have asphalt roofing shingles in Buckhead. Replacing missing shingles is a straightforward job that doesn’t always necessitate complete replacement. As long as the shingles are easily replaceable and don’t cover a large area of the roof, you shouldn’t need to replace the entire roof.

Average Roof Lifespans

Well-maintained roofs last longer than those that don’t get timely repairs. It’s a simple fact that when people make repairs when problems pop up that they get many more years of protection from the existing roof materials. Replacing a roof isn’t an inexpensive job. Depending on how big your home is, the number of peaks, and the materials used, a new roof can cost 5-figures. Also, if the roof failed due to natural causes that were not weather-related, you’re not going to have your homeowner’s insurance to soften the financial blow.

Below are some rough estimates of how long most roofing materials in Buckhead last:

  • Metal roofs: 50 – 75 years
  • Asphalt shingle roofs: 15 – 30 years
  • Composition shingle roofs: 12 – 20 years
  • Wood shingle roofs: 20 – 25 years
  • Rubber roofs: 30 – 50 years

Seek Out Professional Advice

If you’re dealing with a roof issue or installing a new roof on a new construction build, it’s always a good idea to get professional advice about roof longevity. For example, if you’re building a new home, ask your roofer to recommend roofing shingles in Buckhead that are durable and more likely to withstand the outdoor elements that often cause roof damage.

For those who are dealing with a roof issue, don’t automatically assume you need to replace the entire roof. A small leak doesn’t mean that you need to scrap the entire roof and spend thousands to replace it. If a roofer makes such a drastic recommendation, consider getting a second opinion.

Poor installation and sloppy repairs often lead to problems that significantly lower the lifespan of any roof. Avoid this problem by always making sure to hire professional roofing services with a reputation for doing excellent work. If you need roof repair or replacement in Buckhead, contact Superior Roofing Company of Georgia!
