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What To Do If Your Roof Is Damaged By A Hurricane Or Storm In Georgia?


Hurricanes and heavy storms can be devastating to those residing in Georgia, as they can often leave behind damage to homes, including storm damage to roofs. These challenges can be insurmountable without the right resources and information.

While knowing how to protect your roof can be helpful, sometimes natural disasters make the damage inevitable. Understanding how to move forward after a storm can save you time, money, and stress in the long run. A roof repair or replacement is oftentimes not a DIY job and should be a project left to professionals. 

So what can you do on your end when you think there may have been storm damage affecting your roof? Here are a few tips to make the process less overwhelming.

Do a Thorough Inspection

Checking out the damage thoroughly is a necessary step which allows you to list what needs to be fixed or replaced. Having a checklist of what to look out for and evaluate in case of storm damaged roofing is helpful. This could include:

  • Missing or damaged shingles
  • Damage to flashing
  • Water marks
  • Sagging
  • Holes

Remember to stay safe while conducting the inspection by using a ladder, and having someone hold it steady for you. Use the recommended safety equipment and don’t try to do anything beyond your skill level to avoid any further damage or injury.

Document the Damage

Take pictures and make a list of any damage that you find, as this will be useful information when filing an insurance claim, or contacting a roofing professional for repairs. This is where having a checklist comes in handy.

While lists are helpful, pictures can often show specific details for insurance companies and roofing professionals to understand what has happened and to develop solutions. This is because it’s a physical representation of the damage that can be referenced and cannot be refuted.

Contact Your Insurance Company

It’s important to contact your insurance company as soon as possible, as they may send out an inspector to assess the damage and help with repairs.

Your insurance company can also give you guidance on which next steps to take for the damage on your roof following a storm. Without insurance, repairing damages can become a large financial burden, and roofs are not cheap to replace by any means.

Make Temporary Fixes

While we don’t recommend acting as the expert in such a fragile area, it can be helpful to make temporary fixes until a professional can come in.  This could include covering holes with tarps  or using buckets to catch leaking water. Anything beyond this is too much of a risk.

And if you feel unsure that your temporary fix is safe enough, err on the side of caution and wait for a professional.

Find A Reputable Roofing Company

This step is crucial in ensuring that your roof is repaired properly. Here at Superior Roofing, we have a team of professionals with years of experience in roof repair, restoration and replacement. We’re proud to provide excellent service to your Georgia home.

Don’t wait to fix roof damage from a storm or hurricane. Contact Superior Roofing Company today to get your roof back in working order.